
Phone #: 308-455-3302
Hours: MWF, 9AM-12PM | TTh, 3:30PM-6:30PM

What is Storehouse?

Storehouse is eFree’s in-house ministry serving people in our church family and in our community who have hit a rough patch financially. We offer resources such as a fully stocked pantry, small household items, toiletries, a shower, and more.

We also offer financial assistance while paired with a Care Team member who will walk with each participant long term as they work toward being able to support themselves and their families again, and to share with others the fruit of their labor. We offer groups and individualized care for both women and men.

Our philosophy for our environment and for doing ministry:

Belong | By our atmosphere and posture, we communicate that everyone is welcome and belongs here. We believe that because of Jesus, you are loved unconditionally – not the future, better version of you, but the you right now, just the way you are. When you come to Storehouse, you will notice that our environment is very relaxed and laid-back. We invite our staff and team members to bring their children to serve with them; our hope is that because of this, you will feel like you are walking into a family’s living room or kitchen.

Believe | We believe that the only sufficient answer to our search for hope and meaning is Jesus. We will be fluent in the Good News of the Gospel and will lovingly share the extravagant love that our heavenly Father has for you!

Become | We believe because of the fall, we are all broken – our brokenness is just manifested in different ways. We are all striving to become more like Jesus, glorifying God through our work, relationships, and creation. While our guests are learning how to grow toward healthy relationships with their children and families, we are learning right along with them!


To partner with us financially, please write checks to Kearney eFree Church and indicate “Grace Offering” in the memo. You can mail your donation to Kearney eFree (Attn:Storehouse – 4010 7th Avenue, Kearney, NE 68845) or you can drop it off at Storehouse during our open hours.

Pantry donations may be dropped off at Storehouse during our open hours. Please contact us at 308-455-3302 for accepted donations. Tax deduction receipts are available upon request. Thank you!

We also have a running list of intimates we currently need. Feel free to purchase from OUR LIST HERE.

“Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of the down-and-outers.
Speak out for justice! Stand up for the poor and destitute.” (Proverbs 31:8-9, MSG)

How to Support Us?


lease join us in praying for our team, for emotional protection as well as for physical safety over all of Storehouse. Please pray for our guests and participants. We desire to serve and love each visitor well, all while pointing them to Jesus as the answer to their everyday life. Please pray that God will be softening their hearts to Him and His plan for their life and that they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, even if they don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior yet.


Whether financially or through donations to our pantry, we are so grateful for your support in this way! Please see above for the details on supporting us through donations.

Serve with us

One of our favorite things is adding to our team! We would love to have you! Please see “Join our Team” for the different areas you can serve with Storehouse.